Frequently Asked Questions

At Kaleidoskope Singapore, our Corporate and Leadership Training are constantly evolving with today’s dynamic business and corporate landscapes. Our Professional Learning & Development Solutions are customised to your organisation’s goals and your people’s requirements. We design learning programmes tailored to your exact logistics/cost/time and other considerations.

How do you design and develop the modules in terms of programme structure, flow, content, and learning experience in a fully virtual programme?

When designing and developing online programmes we pay particular attention to the following 3 key aspects: the participants’ attention span, their interaction dynamics, and collaboration practices.

This means that our online programmes are structured in such a way that the duration of individual sessions is kept shorter, the number of interactive elements is increased, and there is an even greater variety in the delivery methods used.

Is Kaleidoskope open to partnerships?

To address our clients’ challenges and needs in the most impactful and efficient way, we collaborate with global innovators in learning technology and analytics. As such, we are highly qualified to offer unique and cutting-edge solutions that deliver measurable results.

What is your usual mode of training?

Given the restrictions of the pandemic, most of our training today is conducted virtually. For courses that require some face-to-face time and classroom instruction, we have health and safety protocols in place, which are implemented in strict coordination with our clients and trusted partners. Do note that government restrictions on mass gatherings apply.

Who are the trainers?

At Kaleidoskope, our trainers are not mere resource persons but rather seasoned guides who have spent years taking individuals and organisations on a high-performance learning journey. We ensure that each programme we offer is delivered by experts in that particular field. To learn more about the trainer(s) involved in specific courses, you may check their qualifications on the programme specifics that we provide for every event that we launch or check out our Trainers Page

How is your virtual programme different from a face-to-face workshop in a physical classroom setting?

Compared to face-to-face workshops, our virtual programme designs are characterised by more frequent and shorter intermediate breaks. Our full-day online courses have longer lunch breaks, as well, to prevent screen fatigue.

Moreover, the content of individual programme topics are cut concisely to the absolute essentials, with more in-depth learning and/or additional materials being offered to participants as self-study options—at a time when they are most conducive to digesting the knowledge and absorbing the insights.

Meanwhile, we have integrated interactive elements into our face-to-face classes both before and after the main content of the course. The “before” exercises usually explore either the participant’s existing knowledge or challenges. The “after” exercises are intended to consolidate the participant’s learnings and/or provide real-world skills practice.

What’s the difference between the interactive elements in your face-to-face classes and online programmes?

For the online environment, not only were the interactive elements used in our face-to-face classes increased in number but the methodology applied takes on a greater variety of form. Most classroom activities can be replicated online but if it is not logistically feasible, these activities will be adapted or replaced by similar activities that better suit the virtual environment.

We understand the importance of sharing, discussions, and reflection amongst participants—these are the most important and effective ways by which people learn collaboration. As such, our online course designs will always include an even greater mix of individual, pairs, small group and plenary activities.

How can you ensure that the learning outcomes in a virtual programme are met fully, just as they are fully met in face-to-face classes?

In addition to the abovementioned enhancements to the course methodology and design, we have regular check-ins with virtual programme participants. We check up on the participants frequently to discuss their progress and challenges—to ensure that their needs are being met at the onset of the programme.

We encourage participants to let us know if they are getting fatigued or if they need a few minutes away from the screen/monitor, and we try to react accordingly and flexibly. Arguably, the online environment is more conducive to individual reflection and as such, we generally go the extra mile and make time for this to happen. Depending on the topic, we sometimes include “free space” for the sharing of user-generated content and experience among the participants.

What digital platform(s) and learning aid(s) would your company deploy to enhance the participants’ experience and to meet the learning outcomes?

In terms of digital platform, our preference is Zoom because it offers the widest range of tools and options, which are compatible with the results we aim to achieve. However, we also have significant experience in using other platforms, including Webex, Microsoft Teams, and more.

As for learning aids, the exact tools that will be utilised will depend on the final content of the course. Typically, we use a variety of methods such as small group discussions, role-plays, polls, quizzes, annotations, and videos, plus engaging home “treasure” hunts in which participants are asked to find objects to represent concepts/views/feelings, etc.

We use the built-in tools in Zoom but supplement these with other online platforms such as Mentimeter, Padlet, Google Slides, Miro, Mural, and Flipgrid.

What can participants gain from Kaleidoskope’s leadership programmes such as Thriving Under Pressure?

Programmes such as these can help individuals and teams to examine their resilience to change and subsequently acquire the tools to become even more resilient, as well as being highly capable of analyzing how change impacts them personally. At the end of the course, participants would have learned how to create and communicate a compelling case for change within their teams. They will be more adept at identifying, understanding, and managing their team members’ reactions to change, then successfully engage them to deliver major change initiatives.

What is the benefit of a Thriving Under Pressure programme—for you and your organisation?

The course helps you to understand stress and differentiate between the good and the bad kind of stress, and how to manage it. Specific topics and sub-topics on stress are likewise discussed in depth as the course progresses. The programme touches on relevant subjects, including processing role conflict within the organisation; managing emotions and handling the behaviour of others; being assertive and developing an action plan; and assessing impacts based on different personality types, levels of self-esteem and sensitivity, and gender.

How can a Practical Stakeholder Management programme help to accelerate the growth of your team members and ultimately boost your organisation’s business results?

The Practical Stakeholder Management programme provides participants with the skills and tools for them to identify the key stakeholders in their respective organisations, as well as define their roles and establish their commitment to the project. Participants will gain knowledge on aligning and prioritising stakeholder requirements toward achieving business and organisational objectives. To this end, the participants will explore relevant communication methodologies in crafting a coherent message that gains ‘buy-ins’ from stakeholders.

Who can benefit from this programme?

The Practical Stakeholder Management programme is ideal for new managers, mid-level managers, and individual contributors with a high potential to lead within the organisation. The course is likewise beneficial for managers looking to have a greater understanding of stakeholders in a variety of environments.

What does your leadership training package entail?

Our training programmes are customised to the requirements of our clients. As such, course fees, course duration, training schedule, and other specifics largely depend on the training that will be provided. Typically, each programme has one trainer who will oversee the learning process (face-to-face or virtual training). The event itself may last from a few hours to an entire day, depending on the course material and platform.

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